
The application to coloring the map by using table data from Excel file (.xls, .xlsx) to differentiate the spatial data.
Easy to understand, user-friendly, uncomplicated, and able to be done in a few steps. Customization of colors and the data presentation is certainly possible.

Have you ever had these problems?
Complicated map data
that hard to present

Difficult to make a chart from map data
Plotting map data by yourself

MapPaint-G can help you!

What MapPaint-G can do ?

Import your data to color the map to differentiate the spatial data.

Customize colors, sizes, font of labels and color shading up to 20 ranges.

Create and customize bar charts and pie charts to show on the map.

Export map for a presentation in any forms.

Is your data match with MapPaint-G ?
Data format in MapPaint-G is very simple and easy to create

Type of available Excel data
Excel 2007 (*.xlsx),Excel 97-2003 book (*.xls) can be used.
The rule of Excel data
Input the item name on the first line, and then input the data such as numerical data or text on the second and subsequent lines.

Create Map
MapPaint-G can create map from data of province or district in Thailand.

Use case
The hospital use with patient data

Hospitals can apply MapPaint-G with patient data. Users can create a map poster of statistical data. For example, creating the map poster to show areas that have many flu patients by using flu patient statistical data, so the users can reduce cost to create the poster and color it on their own by using MapPaitn-G.
Moreover, the users can use the created statistical data map to report or present to doctors and patients in order to warn that those areas have flu patients. Because using only a presentation of statistical data may be difficult to understand. However, if the users apply the MapPaint-G, it can visualize your data and easier to understand.